Student ID Programs Made Easier

We have assisted countless K-12, college, technical, and specialty schools with their individual ID solutions. Over the years, we have produced a wide variety of solution, tips, tricks, and ideas that can help you make your card issuance easier and more cost effective.

One of the largest frustrations schools face is getting students to wear their ID badges consistently. Whether their ID is lost or forgotten, adding more value to the ID badge is essential to preventing these things. One of the most effective ways this can be accomplished is by adding a charge to lost or forgotten ID badge replacements. The most common value we see applied to a lost or forgotten card is $5.00.

Other ways are incentive-based. Make your student’s ID badge more than just an ID:

  • Use for time and attendance tracking or for academic achievement awards
  • Add a barcode to student badges and use it for school lunch programs or checking out books and media at the library
  • Partner with local business to implement a discount or reward program at their location for students presenting their ID badge
  • Reward students with discounts for after school events when their ID badge is presented

As always, if you have questions or want more “IDeas,” insights, or timely advice on how you can start programs like these, contact an ID Professional at (800) 321-4405 for an A+ solution!

If you have any questions or need some ideas insights, or timely advice on how to get your programs like these started, contact us at (866) 433-9737 or send us an email at

Categories : ID Cards